الرسائل و الأطاريح لقسم الانكليزي

اسم الباحث

عنوان الرسالة \الأطروحة

علاء حسين عودة

The Use of Language Laboratory in Teaching English in Iraqi Schools

عدنان خلف الجبوري

The Development of Physical Education in Iraq

أياد عبد الرزاق عبود

Paralinguistic and Quasi Paralinguistic Analysis of G. B. Shaw's Arms and the Man 

فاطمة حسين عزيز

The Phatic Use in Arthur Miller's "The Death of a Salesman" A Stylistic Study

سهام عبد الرضا

A  Contrastive Study  of Standard English  and Baghdadi Arabic Word Stress Patterns

إسراء محمود سلمان

Difficulties in the Pronunciation of English Proper Nouns Encountered by Advanced Iraqi Learners

وسن عبد الحسين السريح

The Realization of Juncture on the Part of Iraqi Advanced Learners of English : A Perceptual Study

اسيل التماري

The Role of Intonation in Resolving Syntactic Ambiguity in English Statements

زينب المرزوق

The Identification of Long Versus Short Vowels in English by Advanced Iraqi Learners of English : A Perceptual Study

امين عكال غيلان

A Stylistic Analysis of Lawrence's Sons and Lovers in Terms of Halliday's Systemic –Functional Model  

رجاء البيروتي

Man power  Forecasting Approach as a Guide to the Development of Technical Education in Iraq


مهدي محسن محمد الاسدي

The Impact of the Linguistic Context on Metaphoric Proverb Comprehension by Advanced Learners of English

عبد السلام عبد المجيد

An Investigation of Consciousness Narrative Structure Faulkner's Absalom in Terms of Leech and Short Speech and Thought Presentation Model : A Stylistic Study


حيدر حميد جاسم

The Sinner- Saint Paradox in The Novel of Graham Green


سعد جاسب داغر

The Impact of the Sex Variable and Reading Strategies on Learning EFL by Iraqi Advanced Learners

سلوى عدنان حليم

Question –Asking  during Tutoring Literary Courses at University Level :A Psycholinguistic Study

نائل صادق وكر

The Communicative Values of English Tones as Realized by Advanced Iraqi Learners of English : A Perceptual Study

جاسم خليفة سلطان

Foregrounding in Hardy's The Mayor of Caster bridge : A Stylistic Study 

زيدون عبد الرزاق عبود

A Study of the Speech Acts in Eliot's "The Waste Land ":with Pedagogical Orientation

جنان فضل الحجاج

Text Generation and ,Text Analysis in Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms

مجيد حميد جاسم

A Syntactic Analysis  of Some Aspects of " The Baghdad Observer" Headlines


الاء عبد الامام الرياحي

Pronunciation Errors in the Intonation of English Imperatives by Iraqi Foreign Language Learners 

عبد الرزاق درويش

The Semantic Interpretation of  Future Verbal Constructions in English  as Realized by Advanced Iraqi Learners

ضياء نجم عبد الله

A Pragmatic Study of "Defectiveness " in Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot

عدنان عبد الدايم عبد الواحد

Modality in English : A Semantic Study with Pedagogical Orientation


غازي درويش عطية

The Training of Primary School Teachers of English in Iraq : Evaluation and Proposals


سيزا ارام سركيس

English Pronunciation Difficulties for the Iraqi Armenian Learners at Basra Secondary School

انتصار عدنان عبد القادر

The Teaching of English Spelling with Reference to "The New English Course for Iraq "

نغم جعفر حسين

Presupposition as a Linguistic Theory in Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot" : A Pragmatic Study

نزار عبد الحافظ عبيد

A Textual Analysis of Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea" in Terms of  Halliday 's  Functional Grammar 

ندى صالح عبد الرضا

The Role of Motivation in Learning English as a Foreign Language by Advanced Iraqi Students

رنا عبد الستار عبد

The Phrasal Verb in English : A Linguistic Study with Pedagogical Orientation

رشا علي سهو

The Impact of Diglossia in Iraq on Arabic into English Translation at the University Level


ابتسام حسين نعيمة

Free Indirect Discourse in Virgenia Wolf's To the Light House


علياء هادي

Identification of Sentence Boundaries by Advanced Iraqi Learners  of English


أنعام  نعيم

An Investigation of the Recognition and Distribution of the English Word by Advanced Iraqi Learners

وفاء شاكر ابراهيم

An Investigation of the Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon with Reference to Advanced Iraqi Learners of English

احمد حسن خماط

Resolution in Virginia Woolf's Novel Mrs. Dalloway in Terms of Halliday's Model :A Stylistic Study

توفيق مجيد احمد

A Syntactic – Semantic Study of Some English Idioms with Reference to the English …

نورس صباح

A Pragmatic Study of  Denial  in English

زينب كاظم عبود

A Relevance –Theoretic Account of Verbal Irony in John Osborne's Look Back in Anger

غصاب جبار عطار

Transitivity Patterns and World- View in William Golding's Lord of the Flies in Terms of Halliday's Functional Grammar

سعد محمد كاظم

Making its Own History : A Critical and Contextual Reapproval  of Hard Times

عبد الستار عبد اللطيف

The Waste Land Theme in T.S. Eliot's Major Dramatic Works

فراس فتحي علي

Acoustic Analysis of English Pure Vowels  in Clear and Conversational Speech

غالب نجم عبيد

Literature ,Cinema: Adaptation  David Lean


زينب جعفر عودة

The Impact of Using Scoring Rubrics in Peer Assessment on Promoting Iraqi EFL Learners' Speaking Skill at the University Level

عصام هوبي ناصر

The Role of Culture in Foreign Language Teaching with Special Reference to Iraq Opportunities Textbooks for the Intermediate Stage : An Evaluative Study

علي حسن خماط

The Investigation of the Factors Causing Language Anxiety for Iraqi EFL Learners at the University Level and their Influence on Achievement : A Psycholinguistic Study

عرفات عبد علي رخيص

Verbal Humor and Jokes in Shaw's Heartbreak House and Coward's Relative Values :A Pragma Stylistic Study

علاء حسين شرهان

Investigating Characters Ideologies in E.M. Forster's A Passage to India in Terms of Van Dijk's Model :A Study in Discourse

نور شاتي موحان

Pauses as a Differentiation Markers between Read –Aloud and Spontaneous Speech as Produced by Iraqi Adult EFL Learners and Native English Speakers : A Contrastive Acoustic Study

زينة محمود شاكر

Broken Plural in Modern Standard Arabic : An Optimality  - Theoretic Study

نسرين جبار حسين

The Protagonist's Unpredictability in Dickens's Great Expectation in Terms of Greimas's Actantial Model :A Study in Literary Discourse   

جلنار عدنان عثمان

Correlation between Iraqi Fourth Year College Students' Multiple Intelligences and their Academic Achievement: A Pedagogical Study

عباس محسن صالح

Cohesion in Charles Dickens's Hard Times

حسين حويل غياض

Clash of Ideological Loyalties in E.M. Forster's A Passage to India in Terms of Barbara Johnston's Model : A Study in Literary Discourse  


شروق حميد طالب

Approaching Characters Through Conversation in Tom Stoppard's Sample Plays :A Pragma-Stylistic Study

كريم عبد الزهرة عبد

Problems of Mutual Intelligibility Encountered by Iraqi EFL Learners with Native Speakers of English


ايثار نور الدين جميل

The Metrical Structure of some short Qura’nic Chapters

رجاء صافي داغر

Characters' Possible Worlds in Hardy's Far from the Madding Crowd : A Cognitive Stylistic Study

منى محمد علي         

A Pragmatic Analysis of Iraqi Social Discourse in Terms of Grice's Conversational Maxims

خالد ريسان كريم

The Ideological Conflict  in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty –Four  According to Barbara  Johnston's  Model : A Study in Literary Discourse